Sauna Suit – Good Way to Cut Body Weight but Discretion is Advised

A Sauna Suit, also known as a sweat suit is used by athletes, weightlifters and individual with weigh related issues to rapidly lose body weight. It works by trapping the body heat inside the suit, causing the wearer to sweat excessively and lose weight rapidly.

The Sauna Suit is a good way to lose body weight rapidly. They are practical for use for outdoor winter activities as they retain the body heat inside and keep the muscles and skin warm. It also helps increase circulation and dispose off toxins in the form of sweat.

Made of rubberized nylon, vinyl and plastic these suits are perhaps the most convenient way of reducing weight without the help of drugs and strenuous, energy sapping exercises. They are now a popular option among health conscious people who feel the need to have instant results for their workout regimen. Occasional use of Sauna Suits is not known to produce any adverse health effects in individuals.

Experts are of the opinion that losing weight by expending body toxins and excess electrolytes in the form of sweat is not harmful to the body. However, one has to ensure that the process is not used very excessively in which case it can create health problems such as fatigue and weakness. It has to be borne in mind that losing weight through sweating by wearing a Sauna Suit involves increasing body temperature and helps in metabolism and calorie burning. The weight lost therefore is not the excess fat deposits from your body but water and electrolyte.

Excessive use can also result in dehydration and heat shock. However when used as recommended, they are a great way to cut body weight without much stress and strain. Sauna Suits are excellent to be worn during cardiovascular exercises. You must remember to drink good amount of cold water after the 15 minute exercise is complete and you have allowed the core temperature of the body to normalize. Doctors recommend a balanced diet taken in small portions while using a Sauna Suit for exercise.

Sauna Suit is an excellent option to be used for short term weight loss requirement. It is natural for users to gain weight after they have stopped using the Sauna Suit and resume their normal food habits. That is because a Sauna Suit does not interfere with the body fat composition in any way. For a more permanent weight loss solution it is better to follow a planned exercise regimen in consultation with experts.

About Author:-
The Kutting Weight suit keeps your core heated up so you can effectively lose weight fast and burn more calories, whether you're using the sauna weight loss for weight loss in a competitive sport, or just want to change up your current sweat suit for fitness routine.
You can also read my other articles at David Declan and also read about David Declan.

Sauna Suits – a Good way to Cut Body Weight

We all know how tough a task it is to lose body weight. It requires a lot of commitment to the task and months of consistent effort to lose even a few inches of flab. It is very common to come across men and women who have started with a lot of enthusiasm only to find boredom creeping in and melting all their steely resolve. However, there is an effective solution to overcome your weight problem – Sauna Suits.

Sauna Suits helps you lose weight without having to resort to drugs and exercise. In fact, it is one of the most relaxing ways of losing weight where you do not have to toil and slog out for long hours doing workouts and exercises. The Sauna Suit derives its name from the simulated effect it creates of being in a sauna, generating a lot of heat and sweat.

The best thing about using a Sauna Suit to cut weight is that it starts to work on your body almost immediately. You can see and feel the effect that it has on your body. It works by burning more fuel through the sweating process when it removes all body wastes and toxins through the sweat glands. There is no need to worry about the fluids lost. They can be immediately gained by drinking water. The fats that are accumulated in the body through the years are removed by the sweating process thereby making you lose weight fast.

The Sauna Suit used to cut weight is made from superior quality nylon and a special interior coating made of a unique material called Teflite. Other features include high quality non-rust zippers, hi-seal collar with a concealed hood and elasticized cuffs and waists. They are designed to be durable and will not rip or tear under normal circumstances. Sauna Suits are also made from high grade plastic or rubberized vinyl.

Sauna Suits trap the body heat inside the suit causing the core temperature to rise, resulting in excessive sweating. This leads to water loss and thus reduction of body weight. There are some precautions that you need to exercise while using these suits.

If you suffer from some metabolic problems, then you are advised against using Sauna Suits as it may lead to fainting, weakness or other illness. It is advisable to do exercises of 15 minutes duration twice in a day rather than use it for 30 minutes at a stretch. You must allow the body to cool down and regain normal temperature before you remove the suit and take a shower.
About Author:-
The Kutting Weight suit keeps your core heated up so you can effectively lose weight fast and burn more calories, whether you're using the workout clothing for weight loss in a competitive sport, or just want to change up your current sweat suit for fitness routine.
You can also read my other articles at David Declan and also read about David Declan.


Sauna suit reviews

Sauna suits range from PVC plastic material, to Vinyl, to Vinyl sewn in with cotton, to neoprene.  Sauna suits have been used in both competitive sports to cut weight to meet weight class requirements as well as in gyms to aid people in every day weight loss.

Everlast PVC plastic sauna suit-$20- This type of sauna suit is the original that started it all, so credit is given where credit is due.  You can spot these sauna suits from a mile away at the gym.  These spacemen resembling individuals are wearing a silver colored plastic material either on the outside or inside of their clothing, looking like someone from another planet dripping sweat all over the floor.  All appearances aside, these types of suits tend to rip due to the baggy thin plastic material.  They do the job, but you usually have to buy a new pair after each workout.  I also found my range of motion was very limited, due to the bagginess.  I recommend this suit if you have a small budget and plan to use it for just one workout.  Make sure to wear it under your clothes too, don’t be that one spaceman at your local gym!  

Atlus Thermal Vinyl sauna suit-$30- The Vinyl material is an upgrade from the PVC plastic sauna suit. They still rip when you wear them, but tend to last a couple more workouts, rather just than one workout.  Oh, and you still look like a spaceman

Realsauna sauna suit- $99-The Realsauna sauna suit is a combination of the Vinyl material sewn inside of an outer layered cotton material.  They claim to be the “#1 best sauna suit”, but sadly, again they rip just as easily as the Vinyl sauna suit because they use the vinyl material sewn inside the cotton material.  It does heat you up better than just using the plastics, but it’s the same thing as wearing the other sauna suit with your sweat pant and sweat shirt over it.  When I ordered one it arrived with the pant leg twisted and sewn in incorrectly, creating addition dicomfort and after the first use it ripped in the armpit area.  I would save the $99 they charge and buy the Vinyl sauna suit for $30 and wear your own sweat pants and sweat shirt over it.

Kutting Weight neoprene weight loss sauna suit-$79- This sauna suit is made of an elastic neoprene material that it is built to last, which means no ripping folks!  It looks similar to a wetsuit, but has the zipper in the front and is extremely flexible, allowing me full range of motion with my body.  You wear it under your workout attire and others can’t see it, which is nice.  You still sweat a lot, just like the other sauna suits, but this one is way more comfortable because of the material and flexibility.  I wore this suit with a pair of t-shirts and shorts and lost just as much water weight as I did while wearing the other sauna suits with a pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt over it.  Because of the neoprene material used in this sauna suit I would use this one over any other.  The best part is you only have to buy one, instead of buying one for each workout or every couple workouts.  They also have more clothing options made of the neoprene material if you don’t like the full body suit look.

About Author:-
The Kutting Weight Suit was borne out of passion for wrestling weight loss and sauna sweat suits desire to make the required weight class of 174lbs.
You can also read my other articles at David Declan and also read about David Declan.


How to use a Sauna suit to cut weight

To cut those final few pounds healthily, it’s important to have both the right nutrition and a good exercise plan.

    You should be within 5 to 10 lbs. of your ideal body weight goal, within in a 24 hour time period.  Beginners are able to lose up to 5% of their body weight in water weight, and those with experience are able to lose up to 10% of their body weight in water safely.  You MUST remember to eat during the weight cutting process, in order to maintain proper blood sugar levels, and to have energy for the exercise.

    During the process of cutting weight, most people use PVC plastics, or nylon suits, also known as sauna suits to lose water weight.  Current scientific data concludes that the weight loss from the sauna suit clothing is not just water weight loss.  Your body temperature rises due to the heat resistance, which also increases your metabolism and helps to burn more calories.  It also takes your body longer to cool down, therefore burning more calories for a longer amount of time.  Another benefit of sauna suit training is a detoxification of your immune system, which helps to flush out lymph fluids and toxins stored in the body.  As your body temperature rises you become more flexible and are better able to prevent injuries.  Heated resistance also helps to improve your mental and physical toughness that toughness is needed during the weight cutting process and carries throughout your training and competition. 

    The problems with the current sauna weight loss suits is that they are big and bulky, tend to rip, do not allow much flexibility, and can get in the way of movement. The Kutting Weight neoprene weight loss sauna suit clothing eliminates these problems. The Kutting Weight neoprene weight loss sauna suit clothing is designed to do everything the sauna suit does, but is more durable, flexible and comfortable.  The clothing can be used during the performance of all sports and activities. 

    It is recommended to run quick sprints, or engage in calisthenics or some other rapid movement to start and maintain a sweat.  By inducing a heavy sweat, you begin to lose water, and more quickly approach that elusive goal.  In addition, you increase your heart rate and your body temperature, causing your metabolism to speed up, burning more calories overall.

    You sweat more and burn more calories from doing cardiovascular exercise than from resistance training. It’s a matter of keeping the body moving and warm. 

    It is best to do cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach at a light moderate pace.  Exercising on an empty stomach allows your body to burn stored fat. You can also burn more calories working at shorter bursts of higher intensity activities than longer, steady low-intensity training. You ultimately want to keep your target heart rate up at 60%-70% of your maximum recommended heart rate for 30 to 60 minutes. To easily determine your (THR) target heart rate, periodically stop exercising during your workout to check your pulse for 30 seconds (for example:  80 beats x 2=160 beats per minutes, your THR).

    After reaching your goal weight, you must remember to replenish yourself without overeating.  This is the point where carbohydrates are important for consumption in order to maintain blood sugar levels and energy.  During the process of cutting weight make sure to never starve yourself, take laxatives or participate in any other dangerous methods to lose weight and always replenish your fluids after your goal date.  It is best to work with a certified nutritionist and trainer to carry out the most effective and healthy weight loss program.

Quick Tips:

-Find lower-calorie alternatives for your current food choices 
-Increase the amount of Fruits and Vegetables you eat, both are very fibrous and pack a lot of nutrients
-Cut back on salty and high-sodium foods like canned foods and unhealthy snack foods and drinks
-High fiber foods like beans and some cereals help to speed up the digestion process
-Minimize alcohol and all of its empty calories
-For supplements try meal replacement drinks, multi vitamins and omega 3’s
-Don’t skip meals and eat smaller portions
-Keep a food diary to monitor your consumption and to hold yourself accountable
-Eat lean foods and skip dessert
-Brush your teeth after you eat, it not only cleans your teeth, but also helps to curb your appetite

About Author:-
With the use of the cutting weight sauna suit, you no longer have to use uncomfortable sauna suits or other weight lose suits.
You can also read my other articles at David Declan and also read about David Declan.


How to lose 10 pounds in one week!

Would you like to drop those last pounds keeping you from your ideal weight?  Learn the secrets that body builders, wrestlers and mixed martial artists use to cut weight.

    With a little know how, cutting weight can be done effectively, and most importantly cutting weight can be done safely.   The process is simple if you know how to do it right. 

It ultimately comes down to proper nutrition and exercise.

    How much is the “right” nutritional intake for you?  One of the key factors to losing weight (cutting weight) is your diet.   You have to consume fewer calories than your body burns off.   This will let you use the stored energy (calories) in your body rather than the excess food your body would be consuming. 

    Mental toughness and discipline are crucial to sticking to a healthy diet.  You have to focus on eating nutritionally-dense, healthy food.  Eliminate fast food, overly-processed food, and “junk” foods of all kinds.  These do nothing but foul up your metabolism.

    A healthy diet requires that you eliminate most simple carbohydrates, with the exception of a post workout meal.  Simple carbohydrates are not to be confused with complex carbohydrates.  Simple carbohydrates are broken down quickly are digested quickly. Many simple carbohydrates contain refined sugars and few essential vitamins and minerals. Examples include fruits, fruit juice, milk, yogurt, honey, molasses and sugar.

Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand are broken down slower in the body with a slower absorption rate.  Examples of complex carbohydrates include brown rice, potatoes, yams, wheat, bran, vegetables, whole wheat pastas and breads.

    Next, it is important that you are consuming the right amount of protein.  If you are an athlete, a good baseline to use is to eat 2 grams of protein per pound of lean body weight to maintain your muscle.  Healthy examples of protein include fish, eggs, lean red meats, poultry, whey and casein protein supplements. 

    Despite what one might think, it is also important to consume essential fats to maintain the proper functioning of our organs, and keep our joints and tendons healthy.  Essential fats include fats from fish oil, nuts, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, flax seeds.  Try to avoid the unhealthy fats, including foods high in saturated fat and transfats. 

On a “cutting” diet, it’s also wise to cut down on sodium consumption and try to increase water intake to at least 1 gallon a day.

Now that you know a little more about what to consume, it is important to know how and when
•    Don’t consume carbohydrates for 4 hours before going to bed.
•    Front-loading your carbs earlier in the day gives them a better chance of being used rather than stored.
•    Don’t consume any food within 3 hours of your bedtime.

    Your body needs time to digest and assimilate the food you’ve eaten, and eating too close before bed interrupts this process.  Allowing your body the time at night to digest the food you have consumed during the day will aid digestion, which will help to convert the food to energy rather than store it as fat.  The earlier you eat the better, which is why it is encouraged to have a larger breakfast and smaller dinner.
    A nutritional breakfast can be a simple smoothie, consisting of fruits, vegetables, protein powder, milk/juice/or water and even your own supplements.

Now that you have some knowledge on the appropriate nutritional intake, you are half way there to cutting weight healthily. 

About Author:-
The Kutting weight suit helps you to achieve your goals to lose weight fast and improving your overall mental and physical fitness.It is the most advanced product for water weight loss in the fitness industry.
You can also read my other articles at David Declan and also read about David Declan.